Honeycomb Journals
A complete journal course created for the journal-er and the journal maker combined
My honeycomb journal all started with a look at one of my grandmothers quilts, seeing the beautiful patterns of fabrics and hexagons come to life.I knew I needed to create a journal with the classic design of a hexagon but altering it into something adorable that had no relationship to bees or geometry whatsoever…something that anyone could see themselves create and use! A vintage concept decorated and constructed with a modern twist by incorporating a beautiful color scheme that makes the viewer want to create a honeycomb journal for themselves. Using meaningful and vintage fabrics to capture the elegance of a hexagon quilt, but in our journals. By creating your own honeycomb journal you can customize and personalize everything to your hearts content, and i will be with you every step of the way. This journal is the perfect gift to yourself and a loved one. Its no coicidence why i named this a honeycomb journal…a honeycomb is a structure used by bees to store the two things that are most important to them - their honey and their eggs ….your honeycomb journal is a place used to store the most important thing to you as a journal-er ... your life’s memories!
Your Instructor
Hello everyone! I am the creator of Amity Bloom where my goal is to bloom your creativity with amity! I have various social media platforms where I share ideas, creations, and inspiration. Follow me on this journey of Amity Bloom's Pocket Book!
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUCbfEvNL78z31TRHd9puxA
Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/AmityBloom?ref=seller-pl...
All information provided through the course is available for you to use and create in your own projects for personal or commercial use *** however the contents and techniques shown and taught in this tutorial are the exclusive property of Amity Bloom LLC ©, and students should not share, sell, re-teach or reproduce these tutorials in any form or in person by holding classes or workshops online or in public. In purchasing this tutorial you are agreeing to these conditions and terms of use :)
Course Curriculum
StartMaterials (8:47)
StartConstructing The Honeycomb Cover (58:09)
StartSelecting Inside Pages (11:36)
StartPrepping and Assembling Inside Pages (43:24)
StartDecorating Honeycomb Pages (54:50)
StartBinding The Honeycomb Journal (49:37)
StartFinishing The Honeycomb Journal (5:20)
StartCreating Honeycomb Ephemera (32:44)
StartHoneycomb Journal Process Videos
Frequently Asked Questions
I hope you love the Honeycomb Journal Course and that when you look down at your desk you are filled with excitement and happiness when seeing the beautiful and meaningful journal you created! Remember to always come back to see the ongoing journaling process videos and flip-throughs that will be added as I continue to fill up and complete my precious honeycomb journal!